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Mastercam is the #1 Used Cam System in the World
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Sierra Cad/Cam, Inc Training

Reseller of Mastercam Software | Free Consultations

Over 35 Years' Experience
Reseller of Mastercam Software
Free Consultations

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Mastercam Training Classes for Users of All Levels

Sierra Cad-cam Inc is proud to offer training for new users, as well as experienced users. We stand behind our belief that it is important and necessary for the user to be comfortable with the CAD drawing programs you are working with and to be able to use the programs properly.

Investing in this CAD software is a big step, so it is important to make sure it will pay off for you and your programmers. Call us today for a FREE consultation.

Class Registration

Once you have chosen the class that is best for you, download, print, and complete our class registration form. Then simply fax or email us the information and we'll get you set up.

Phone: 530-454-0088 ext 1
Fax: 530-268-8515
Student Registration

Class Pricing and Location Information

Please email or call us to verify prices.

ALL TRAINING CLASSES ARE FROM 8:00 AM TO 3:00 PM. We provide coffee and lunch during training, and free parking is available. Classes are held at our location:

5674 Stoneridge Dr. 
Suite 201
Pleasanton, CA 94588

Mill 2D  - Two Day Class

Dates: May 13th - 14th, June 17th - 18th, August 26th - 27th

This class is for people who have some Mastercam experience and want to learn more of the Mill 2D package.

Topics covered:
  • 1. Mastercam Interface and workflow
  • 2. Geometry creation
  • 3. 2D Toolpaths
  • 4. Mastercam simulation 
  • 5. Posting of G code
  • 6. Importing of Cad models and working with Solids
  • 7. Use of Mastercam 2D Dynamic and High speed toolpaths
  • 8. Use of tool library, setup sheets and stock models
  • 9. Complete 2D Hole Making

Mill 2D Advanced - Two Day Class

Dates: April 22nd - 23rd, July 22nd - 23rd

This class is a continuation of the Mastercam Mill class.

Topics covered:
  • Proper use of the WCS in Mastercam.
  • 3+2 programming
  • 4-axis indexing work.
  • 4-axis rotary work.
  • Programming a part with multiple setups.
  • Programming a horizontal in Mastercam.
  • Feature based programming "FBM" 

Mill 3D - Two Day Class

Dates: March 25th - 26th, May 27th - 28th, August 12th - 13th

For the more advanced Mastercam user.

Topics covered:
  • The student learns how to create 3D surface models.
  • Student gets an understanding of the legacy surface rough and finish toolpaths.
  • Student will learn how to use the surface high-speed toolpaths including theOpti
  • toolpaths.
  • We will cover high-speed roughing and finishing including OptiRough, which uses the logic of the 2D dynamic toolpaths.
  • Hybrid combines scallop and waterline toolpaths to give a better, smoother finish.

Mill 5 AXIS - Two Day Class

Dates:  April 29th - 30th, July 8th - 9th

For Advanced Mastercam users only.The Mastercam multi-axis class will introduce
the concepts and principles of multi-axis programming and the use of the pattern/application multi-axis toolpaths in Mastercam.

Topics covered:
  • Identifying common multi-axis machine tool configurations.
  • Understanding the difference between multi-axis positioning and simultaneous
  • toolpaths.
  • Understanding the different types of multi-axis toolpaths, capabilities and
  • advantages they provide over conventional 3-axis toolpaths.
  • We will learn the concepts for multi-axis work in Mastercam.
  • We will understand using the machine simulation for avoidance detection.

LATHE - Two Day Class

Dates: April 15th - 16th, July 29th - 30th

Topics covered:
  • Will create basic 2D Mastercam toolpaths: Rough, Finish, Drill, Cut-off, Groove,
  • Plunge Turn, and Threading.
  • We will cover the features of the operations manager.
  • We will cover back plotting and verify.
  • We will also cover tool planes, as it relates to lathe.
  • Using the new setup sheet.
  • Will understand using C-Y-axis programming.
  • Will cover working with a VTL.
  • Will work with solid models.
  • Will work with tail stock.
  • Will work with the misc ops.
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